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Independent readers develop a broad vocabulary, better comprehension skills, and an increased understanding of the world. Help your child get off to a great start.

How to Raise Resilient Kids

Children's lives are not stress-free. Many kids are in school for up to 8 hours a day, plus time in extracurricular activities. They meet new friends in new environments and interact with many adults throughout the school day. Kids study problem sets, take tests, and follow a schedule that [...]

Math Resources for Top Students

Motherly Life is committed to helping parents find important information to help them raise happy, successful kids. In this post, we provide a great list of resources aimed at helping students learn and excel at mathematics. From flashcards to worksheets to the leading math competitions in the nation, this [...]

By |09/09/2022|Academic Excellence, Resources|

Prepare for the SAT: Study Multiple-Meaning Words

Students who aim to achieve a high SAT score should develop their knowledge of vocabulary. Understanding the definition is an important factor, but how words fit into the context of a written passage is the key. Understand Meaning of Words Based on Context Words with multiple-meanings are incorporated into [...]

By |07/28/2022|Academic Excellence|

Reading Fosters Higher Intelligence

A Kid Learns to Read Then Reads to Learn It’s simple, reading is a critical component of daily life. From understanding food ingredients and managing bills to crafting a detailed board presentation, reading is a key factor of success. Early reading to young children sets a foundation [...]

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