The Girls Who Code summer immersion program is a free 7-week introductory computer science program for girls going into their junior or senior year of high school. Participants learn about […]
LINX Camps provides fun-filled, enriching and innovative summer programs for kids aged 3 years to 8th graders. Campers enjoy selecting a variety of general, specialty, and sports camps that […]
Founded in 2010, PrimeTime Lacrosse Events organizes world class experiences for elite youth and high school lacrosse clubs. Designed for boys in elementary and middle school, PrimeTime Eli […]
Babson summer sports camps help boys and girls aged 6-17 learn skills in a specific sport, meet new friends, and have fun. Daily recreational swimming is offered for all programs except ice […]
Charles River Aquatics is a technique-based program dedicated to building a solid foundation for every person to continue with swimming as a life-long sport. Kids aged 4-11 will receive two […]
The Girls Summer Leadership Program at Dana Hall offers girls entering 9th grade an opportunity to prepare for the choices and challenges they may face when entering high school. Through sp […]
K-12 students can choose from a variety of online or in-person math courses to reinforce or enhance their knowledge and prepare for the upcoming school year. Math courses open in June and […]
The Boston Leadership Institute, an award-winning summer program for teens, offers unique and engaging opportunities in medicine, engineering, business and science. One-week and three-week […]
Camp Casco is a one-week summer camp experience for children with cancer. The day camp welcomes kids aged 5-10 and the overnight camp is designed for kids aged 7-17. Casco aims to restore t […]
Tenacre camp, founded in 1973, is situated in a friendly, caring, elementary school setting. The noncompetitive environment fosters self-esteem and individual accomplishments for kids aged […]