The advent School’s summer engineering & design program enables kids to become designers, tinkerers, and builders. Design at Advent offers unique 2-week sessions for children aged 5-12. Each session is based on a specific theme such as wearable designs, constructing a contraption or massive builds.
Advent’s SMART Lab is transformed into a makerspace. Participants begin each session by sorting through recycled materials, learning how to use tools, and engage in the design process. Alongside faculty, designers explore the city, play games, and gather inspiration. At the end of each session, kids share their creations and prototypes with friends and family at a design expo.
February and April Break
During February and April school vacations, the Advent School’s After-School Education team offers an ADVENTures program. The day-long, thematic adventures explore fun, kid-friendly topics. Students the day with peers, engaging in structured on-site and off-site activities, recess time, and fun.
The Advent School is an urban school whose community reflects the diversity of Boston; a forward thinking curriculum that inspires and engages a child’s passion for learning; a commitment to social justice, and a culture of collaboration where every child has the confidence to take action in a connected world.