Showing 1 - 17 of 17
Camp Kaleidoscope
Camp Kaleidoscope provides opportunities for kids aged 5 - 16 to explore the arts, sciences and the outdoors. Campers make lifelong friends and develop new skills in a positive Jewish campi […]
ZooCamp at Franklin Park Zoo
ZooCamp offers campers aged 6-11 with a broad curriculum of animal, science, and conservation-based games and activities. Children will participate in live animal encounters and behind-the- […]
Drumlin Farm Summer Camp
Campers (ages 4-17) at Drumlin Farm Summer Camp develop an appreciation for nature. They gain confidence and an understanding of the interconnectedness among people, land, wildlife and habi […]
Broadmoor Nature Camp
Broadmoor Nature Camp offers kids aged 4-14 opportunities to create lifelong memories through guided outdoor explorations, games, hands-on activities, and crafts. Participants learn about t […]
Wildwood Overnight Camp
Wildwood is an overnight summer camp for youth aged 6-17. Located in southern New Hampshire along Hubbard Pond, Wildwood is based on 159 acres of forest, fields and wetlands and borders the […]
The Natick Community Organic Farm
Public programs at Natick Organic Community Farm offer campers aged 3.5 - 14 with opportunities to experience the farm. Programs are organized by season and by age level. Young children di […]
Windrush Farm Summer Program
Windrush Farm, founded in 1964, provides horseback riding lessons and camps for beginner and intermediate level riders aged 6 and up. Summer Program During the five-day summer program rider […]
Coastal Ocean Science Academy Marine Science
The Coastal Ocean Science Academy (COSA) is a marine and environmental science summer day program that connects students in grades 6-12 to local coastal habitats. Camp participants explore […]
Assabet River Camp
Campers in grades 2-6 develop wilderness and naturalist skills at Assabet River Camp. During one-week sessions, campers enjoy outdoor activities such as canoeing, tracking, fishing and arch […]
Wildwood Day Camp
Wildwood day camps provide nature-adventure experiences for kids aged 6-17. Campers are grouped by aged and enjoy activities in small groups led by experienced counselors. Day Camp Programs […]
ZooCamp at Stone Zoo
ZooCamp offers campers aged 6-11 with a broad curriculum of animal, science, and conservation-based games and activities. Children will participate in live animal encounters and behind-the- […]
Pompositticut Farm
Pompositticut Farm offers a co-ed day camp for children aged 4-16. Each two-week session includes daily English horseback riding lessons and other activities such as swimming, archery and g […]
Farmer, Forester, Chef! at Powisset Farm
Powisset Farm’s summer camp, Farmer, Forester, Chef! is designed for children aged 6-13 who will spend time with animals, gardening, cooking, and exploring the natural world. Each weekly se […]
SummerQuest at the Crane Estate
SummerQuest offers children aged 4-15 unique opportunities to explore a secluded pine grove, swim in a private beach, and roam around a 2,100-acre property. Based out of the historical barn […]
Ocean Protection Advocacy Kids Summer
Ocean Protection Advocacy Kids empowers youth in grades 3-8 to become ambassadors for the environment. Summer programs are offered at locations on Cape Cod, Massachusetts as well as on New […]
Newton Community Farm
The not-for-profit Newton Community Farm provides locally-grown produce, year round events, and educational summer and school vacation programs. Kids aged 3 - 14 will experience the natural […]
Appleton Farm Camp
Appleton Farms offers a diverse range of learning opportunities for kids aged 4-15. Campers meet farm animals, enjoy garden fresh goodies, and play hide and seek in the sunflowers. During e […]