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Travel Soccer
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Travel Soccer

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Is it worth it? The time on the road, expenses, keeping up with studies? I appreciate any perspective you can provide!


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Yes, it's a challenge. The time on the road means time away from the home - that as hard on our whole family.

But yes, for us it was worth it. My daughter gained tons of experience, her skill level skyrocketed vs. school and rec level training. Better coaches and tougher competition. Now she plays D1.


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Hi Mandy - it's worth trying. If your kid was recruited to a travel team, give it a go. You're not committing for long term unless it works out for you. Enjoy the experience and see what happens for a year. Then decide for the next year. Have fun!

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It was too demanding for our son. And cost us thousands in gas, hotels, extra food, fees, etc. We were prepared for the costs going in, but since it didn't work out it's a bit of a sore spot. Despite that it was still worth it to try for Michael's sake. Looking back I guess he didn't love it enough to deal with all the time on the road.

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In my experience (mom of 2 travel soccer sons), it's worth it. It is exhausting yes. Truth is though, parenting is exhausting no matter the sports or activities your kids join. If your kid excels at a sport like our boys have, it's worth trying to offer every opportunity. The expenses do add up. Maybe I'll add a caveat that it wouldn't be worth it for us at the expense of academics. My approach was to always ensure they had opportunities in sports and also a good education to support a solid career - whether or not that was in sports. Best of luck to you Mandy!

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Higher levels of competition made the travel team experience amazing. That was true for us as spectators and for my daughter as a player. Also, her teammates were more dedicated compared to local rec teams. Not all players - some will come and go - but the ones who stick around for all practices and matches. That's what helps all players improve. It makes a big difference when it comes to high competition sports. closer knit team, higher work ethic, and her fitness level was amazing.


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