Welcome to the Discussion Forum
This is Motherly Life.
The Meeting House, located at the intersection of Beacon and Centre St., offers care for children aged 2 months to 6 years. Their mission is to promote safety and well being of children at various stages of development.
Please reply to this thread if you have questions or feedback about the Meeting House or other Newton daycare centers.
We were not impressed with the meeting house. The teachers were sweet, very kind and attentive to the kids and parents, especially those who have been with the school for many years. We switched schools because of the administration. She does not communicate well with parents. And she started turning the hallways into a bulletin board for her individual political views. We left for a daycare in Waban. Starts with an R. Ends in iverside.
We had a good experience with the meeting house. The teachers were all kind. To clarify, the teachers who had been there long term. There were too many subs and essentially no introduction to those subs, but in hindsight that worked out fine. The location is convenient and our kids enjoyed the crafts, playground and occasional walks around newton center.